I have ignored confronting ZESCO on the issues on power and what they are doing to this economy. But I have noticed, the more we ignore the issue, the worse the situation turns out to be.
So no ignoring and I have put on my fighting gloves as this issue cannot be ignored any further.
Electricity As Power In The Economy
One thing is for sure, in our country Zambia, the issue of power is important as it is the only source of energy for feed our hungry needs for economy progress. Not even our phones would work without power for a week. My laptop cannot be on without power for over two hours - maybe thats why I'm thinking of Asus Transformer with the potential of over 10hrs of no power!
I have bought a laptop charger for my car as I can buy fuel and charge whilst driving. That handles my problem - but only temporarily. The main problem is ZESCO. And since we are not doing anything about, it stays the same.
ZESCO Company or Baby Fed!
I have always wondered what is so special about ZESCO that makes it take us for a ride this long. Then I ask myself, if this company is a public enterprise, it should respect us as the owners and provide the necessary things or we may sell or shut it down. That it exactly what it means. Zambian people own it! So they should control it.
There are two things which shock me about how we handle business in Zambia. And until we find a way to stop this behavior, we will always be in trouble.
Why? Just look at this:
- We negotiate taxes! We negotiate the birth right of being a nation so we can give people or foreign companies "incentives". The mere fact that this country is peacful and welcomes the investor is an incentive enough. But we go ahead and give then even the little we could have got from them. We need to stop this and move on progressively.
- We spoon feed a company (like ZESCO). It ends up depending so much on government. It gets loans with no plan of how it will repay them. And the debt is stuck on government. Because of that, it over charges the people while companies like mines get "favourable" rates. It may make sense to you but, it does not to me! If this was a company setup logically, it would put rates that make sense from the mines and not hammer the people.
The sad part of this is that, mines get favourable treatment from all over, when they needed to be paying their equal share of the taxes. So you and I pay not only our taxes, but the mines' taxes and the salaries for ZESCO employees. Then power is taken away from our homes and put in the mines for the mines to rip even more wealth. Is this fair?
In doing the above, we have ended up being a failed generation. There is little we can show our children the positive contributions we made to the country. Zambia is in the state it is today because we don't do anything about it.
ZESCO's Tax Contribution
Do we know the tax contribution of ZESCO? I think we should know. We should also know how much loans they contract as we end up paying for this. I don't think it is too much to ask. We own the company. We should know how much taxes it pays, the dividends, then the amount of foregone customs and taxes that ZESCO enjoys. Then we should look at how much we are paying the workers. Its just fair and right for us owners.
Economy Effects
Without power, we can't power up our laptops and make reasonable income. We can't run servers from our houses to power up net-stations in Zambia. So we end up paying for server space in Europe or Asia. This is an out-flow of resources to other countries. Will government get taxes from that money? No way my friend. So we are probably the only country in the world without a ".com" community. And thats just 12-20 volts of power for our PCs and laptops. That partly explains why South Africa has almost every company with .co.za and in Zambia even government institutional websites have".com", ".org" or ".net". e.g. www.zambianconstitution.org (surely we are not even proud of .org.zm.
That is the cost of such critical elements in Zambia's economy like electricity and so on.
Computers people are all over the country. But have no means to be supported. All great .com companies are run and start from homes as it is cheaper and will give you time to start the busines, see the mistakes and then go on a full time scale. With ZESCO in existence, you will be in sane to even think of running your PC without a power backup system. All my websites are hosted in Asia. When they ask me why, I give excuses about not having time to configure and manage them all day. Truth - no there is now way I can run them here without paying through my nose to ZICTA and which ever of our 13 service providers - not sure who many actually host from the 13!
So my .com dream died when I looked at the cost of doing anything in that direction in this country with such power and expenses which favour foreigners and the rich.
Now imagine those with ideas of electronic inventions. Or manufacturing items. We are killed before we even start. Thats is the real effect of such power nonsense.
These are issues that should come into play for every company that receives such unwarranted favorable treatment. I know we all want this to happen to the mines, but surely, why not to every company that seems to know be doing the right thing.
I think we should be given a platform to do this. Not all of us can be politicians in order to put in place favorable business environments for our business. So we need to be looked at as well.
I am a Zambian I deserve Better! And ZESCO is not helping in any way. It should be made to do this just like all mines that feel taxes should not be paid coz they invested in the mines. Yes, but I am a Zambian, I own the minerals. You own the means to extract. If we disagree, you go with your means, I look for someone or I do it myself. But will you find the mineral I own? No! So I deserve better.
I am a Zambian, I Deserve Better!