I have always had problems with tax incentives.... simply because I believe if someone is investing, he is not doing you (as a country) a favour. He is in it for the money, he knows he can make enough profit without incentives before he starts, and the tax incentives simply make him "super-normal" profits! Prove me wrong! No one single person would invest if the profit margin is non-existing or if the profit is only coming in after the tax incentive!!!
My looking at tax incentive maybe wrong to some of you. But in the same vein, thats why I have little understanding of the role of Zambia Development Agency (ZDA). I seriously need someone to educate me! If you are doing a course and the school says do all your assignments, tests, etc, but to encourage, we wont mark them as we will give you those marks (about 50%) and you just need to get more than 50% from both the assignments and the final exam to pass the course - who would let such a chance go begging???? That my people is how I see the tax incentive.
I have always said, to an economist, only two things are certain: death and paying of tax! We will all die, and we all should pay tax! So the logic of tax incentive violates my belief - and I can prove it!
Tax Needs
Taxes are paid for infrastructure, security and other public goods which governments put up. So if a real investor asks for tax incentive, ask him if he can do the roads, pay the police, hospital staff and their buildings while he is running his investment. If he refuses, he shouldn't get the tax incentive! No one investor would be willing to not pay taxes if he wont be assured of security through the police, courts of law, access roads, etc. So if he asks for tax incentive, he simply wants someone else to pay for those services! Just on this point, whats the role of ZDA? To unfairly ask people to pay for services used by these wealthy companies?
Incentive Benefits
I have been looking at a report that will show me the benefits of tax incentives in Zambia (as opposed to the benefits the country would have had if taxes were paid)! I believe that is the single most important reason for continuing with incentives in this country. Without it, we shouldn't even think about it. What benefit would tax incentives bring if they provide no benefits? We would be doing a dis-service to ourselves, our children, and our children's children!
Getting High on Incentives
I think we have reached a point that we get high on incentives, we may even start asking companies to invest through an incentive of not requiring them to register as a company. Seriously when we reach a stage of allowing companies to steal, as an incentive, we can't sink lower than that. This is through what someone called the VAT "incentive". My little education would not understand this, but I believe people think this is possible.
Let me explain my failure to understand the VAT incentive.
VAT is a consumption tax paid by you and me on final goods that we buy for consumption. For example cooking oil, soft drinks, etc. So the company selling you these things will "hold the tax" and submit to the revenue authority. You pay, they take it to government. If you give that company a tax holiday for that kind of tax, you are asking people to pay to the company (for their operations) and not for public services! Is this normal? I think there is no difference in that action with some someone thieves high-jacking an armored vehicle taking taxes to the Bank of Zambia! Money is illegally being pumped into the company by people who don't want to invest in that company and for no benefits. Its like you simply change the one who is supposed to tax from the tax authority (in this case ZRA) to the company. I think the issue would actually make sense to someone people if you explain it better like this:
The action is like asking government to give back the taxes paid by the people to the company to do with it as it wishes. So the government goes and cuts a cheque equivalent to what that company brought in as taxes.
There is no basis, no logic! The tax burden is born by people, the company has nothing to do with VAT. They don't pay it, they simply collect it for government. So if you give them what you call an "incentive", you simply giving them money or investing in their company as a government! I would add and say, thats theft!
I think the only logical tax incentive is to allow every single entity to pay the correct amount of tax due, so that in time, they can pay less as the requirements are met. Without this, they actually open up an imbalance in taxes required, and would lead to more taxes paid in future. I always say, paying less taxes, is actually asking to pay more taxes!
If our taxes don't meet today and tomorrow's requirements, we will need to pay more taxes in future! Don't believe me? What taxes do you think people in Greece are paying compared to what they paid some years ago? Any failure to raise money by a government will lead to people paying more to meet those demands. I know a government can borrow, but ultimately, those loans will be repaid from taxes in the end! There is no one single source of revenue for government that can replace taxes. Actually with tax incentives, you may end up paying taxes to make up for the taxes that a company needed to pay. More so if that is a foreign company which would just pack its bags and leave!
We have to one day call for the end of a thinking that one needs to incentivize investment! Investment comes with or without incentives. As long as someone knows that they will make a great incentive, the business environment itself is enough incentive. Zambia has incentives in that area, investments are safe, we just need to get the taxes and build great infrastructure as the last incentive - not giving companies money!
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