Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Case of Gay-Aid Economics

Poverty and Aid show an interesting aspect of slave and master relationship. The west has always used aid to get what they want from the poor. This is the case in point of what I will call Gay-Aid!

Gay-Aid is western aid tied to homosexuality in the recipient countries. It is fully endorsed by the USA that is, President Obama and David Cameron, the Prime Minister of Britain. 

"Gay rights appear to have become a new frontier in diplomatic relations between Western powers and African governments, with the US and UK warning they would use foreign aid to push for homosexuality to be decriminalised on the socially conservative continent.(Gay rights: Africa, the new frontier)" 

The idea is, countries needing aid, will need to support gay 'rights' to receive that aid. A simple do this to get this. The bate here being aid. To me thats a typical slave-master relationship.

This is clearly an indication that one needs to lose their ability to decide on issues of their 'being' and ask the master for a way forward. And I think this is what we need as Africa. To see that Aid really does nothing for the well-being of our nations. Its an investment from a partner who may never mean well at times. The way out is to look at the issues that affect our poor performance in an economy that rely on aid which maybe Gay-Aid or dead-Aid! Imagine trading off the Gay-Aid for good taxes in the mines! That in place will see nations that can decide their future and can decide on what they think is right or wrong. Though this looks more a political issue that an economic one, the moment you allow someone to dictate what is right or wrong for your nation or economy, you lose your destiny. 

Aid has little contribution to Africa's development. This is a tool used to make Africa states dependent on the West for them to use it any time to impose their values and beliefs. This is the only thing that can make great nations go down on their knees and beg for them to implement what the West want.

Why I hate Aid
There is a saying "A beggar is not a chooser". When you beg, the person giving help will determine what you do and how you do it. Ban Ki Moon went to Africa Summit and told the leaders to respect gay rights.(here). He clearly did not care who was there and what belief they hold on the issue. He is the secretary General. Would he do the same at an Arab summit? No! They have wealth as countries and that black gold - oil. They determine their destiny. Africa had almost all leaders on Aid payroll, they dare not react to such statements, the master was talking. That's why I hate aid - it makes you a slave!

The gay rights issue has problems in the USA, some states are fighting for it. Others are not even thinking about it. Does Obama wake up and say the Federal government will not provide services in those states? Of course not! But when it comes to giving aid to poor nations, it is "Central to the United States’ commitment to promoting human rights".

Be Rich and Control
Central to this Aid issue is not of a helping hand, but control. No wonder every one (except a few of us) hate China. The west has painted such a bad picture on China because they can't control it. It has money and hence power to decide what it wants. If those are transferred to Africa, the west loses grip on everything they have been trying to bring to Africa to continuously step on Africa. That is the big issue.

Africa now needs to work on the issues that continuously disadvantage it (aid included). They need to work on multinationals that steal from Africa through not paying due taxes (they actually declare loses but profits are declared in tax havens). They should demand what is due to them, if need be, nationalizing some of the companies would actually make some countries better off! I know a lot refuse that, but has anyone looked at China? If a country is only getting 10% of the returns on natural resources in foreign hands, it would be good to run it on a state level if that company will bring in 20% after a poor investment from an African government. Besides, all returns will be in the country and not sent to their countries.

You can't have all companies run by multi-nations and their governments say bring gay-rights to receive aid and you think you decide your destiny! That is the tool of control you can only avoid by being rich enough to live without aid or multi-nationals running your economy.

What Democracy on Economy?
There is a cry for democracy in everything that is done. If that democracy means doing away with gay-rights, you are not "democratic", but if you ahve oil and oppress women you are a friend to the west, then what is democracy? I have noticed on matters of economic importance, the west will ignore issues of democracy if it will lead to what they like. Unfortunately, there is no control on this issue as it even affects the UN. It will not protect the people if the returns will not amount to anything for the west. Countries that have stood up to such forces, have grown by following their independent paths. China and Russia are a good example. They don't care what the west does now as they have power to define their destiny.

If oil will be gotten through regime change, it will be supported and even leadership made to pay for refusing change. But if it will come through the current regime, people's deaths will not matter. Economics does! Libya and Syria are cases in point. and the key element was the oil.

Economics Matters, Rights Don't!
Gay-Aid is tied to 'rights' for gays! Regardless of the people's beliefs or stance on the issue (like colonial masters deciding for the village). But women in some Arab countries can't even drive a car. Have you ever heard Ban Ki Moon talk about them? He talks about gay-rights. I have not even heard him address Syria. There is oil there!

Africa's New Fight - Economical
The new fight for Africa should be economical, not political. Africa must unite and fight all aspects of the oppressor. If it means leaving the UN, you may have to. What has it done for the continent economically? It would be easier to make Africa stand economically if the UN supported its cause. Do you think Africa has a chance to fight Gay-Aid being promoted by USA and UK backed by Ban Ki Moon? Which nation will stand and say, we are Africans and don't believe in this. Mugabe did, where is he on the economic map? Malawi's economy is a sorry sight - Mutharika spoke about the displeasure of gay activities and the court sentenced some people.

We need to get rid of this Aid issues in Africa and believe we can do it without the west. We can do it. The problem is that we are constantly blocked in our thinking by the west through schemes like aid, human rights grants, etc.

Like Marcus Garvey said:

We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind ..

I end saying...

Africa, Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, None but ourselves can free our minds

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