Friday, November 16, 2012

Budget Debate Delays

I never thought we would reach a time when a Budget for the following year is actually delayed on the basis of silly issues which cost us time and money.

I have never blogged about Parliament debates, basically because I expect the people debating have an understanding of what they are debating about. But today I was shocked at what delayed debates. One simple issue of mathematically calculations.

The budget is done in ABB and the Yellow Book is produced with rounded off figures as the figures are huge. Now imagine what delayed it. 

Here is a simple example that I have produced.

Now the Yellow Book will seem to have a bad calculation which has produced a fictitious amount. But when the figures are compared with the original inputs, the result stand and is explained. This is what Mathematics does. Now the person claiming to have experience in this field will know this only happens to numbers in decimal of the first digits. But that Maths seems complex.

We delay proceedings on such a matter when all the calculations are mathematically straight. Can we understand issues before we bring them out as errors. Decimal mathematics is not error when you fail to explain it.

I wish Parliament would bring people experienced in issues to clarify when the problem is huge. I think Zambia needs to find a common ground on matters that are technical and need technical input.

Anyway, that's just me thinking out loud as I hate delays on trivial issues which can be sorted with the use of chalk and a black board. Or maybe we should demand some maths to be done before the debates on budget issues is undertaken.

PS. At least the debate has resumed and will allow consultations so that the rounding off issue can be sorted out.

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