Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Time To Nationalize

It is always interesting to look at how Economist look at different views they have on an issue in the economy. An interesting view if you are an Economist in the field also.

I have been looking at the issue of the mines and the outcomes of which party is in charge of the mines. Right now, we are made to believe mines are not making any profit and so their contributions to taxation. Seriously if the operations are so bad that no one pays taxes, it would not make business sense to even own the mine. So why don't the owners leave? Why would anyone continue with a business operation which does not make sense (both generic, economic or business sense). If it really was the case, they would have left. 

I believe they have not left because all these loses that they complain about is a properly engineered part of transfer pricing! They find all loses in the chain and the money and profits show up in Switzerland. How else will a company pay taxes in Switzerland over Zambia's minerals when Switzerland has no copper? That is an issue that shocks me. 

My perspective is even strange to other economists. I think it will make good sense if the same loses that the mining companies are complaining about leading to no payment of taxes to be enjoyed by government. Why can't government take over the burden from the mining companies and the little resources enjoyed by the owners of the mines be ploughed back into Zambia? The country will not experience loses as much as the mining companies. The difference will be, there will be worry about the loses and exports since all returns from the mining activities will be back here in Zambia!

I know any modern Economist avoids using the words of nationalization and favours privatization. I believe things should be looked at a different angle altogether. Zambia has been using modern economic theories and perspectives since time in memorial, have we seen any goodness out of that? When the mines were owned by the people of Zambia, the mining towns were doing way better than today. Even ZESCO was selling electricity properly and a rate better than it is today. So the two experiences we have had should give us a lesson we can surely use to our advantage. Even the football pitches were a marvel to be in. Need we forget the schools that we all dreamt of going to? So what has changed with going back and getting the best out of it.

From where I stand, the whole western world has ganged up on Africa and its resources. There is too much complex way of ripping the resources of Africa such that if we try to follow the logical steps, we will be doomed. Ireland, Luxemburg, Netherlands and now even Mauritius have been set up in such a way that they will use all possible ways of reducing taxes so that Multi-Nationals find their way to Africa through these places and rip all the resources. There is 10 times more resources leaving Africa than the ones coming in in form of "AID"! Had this been a straight forward business, Africa would have been far better than any country in Europe or the Americas. But that does not appear to be.

Moreover, if we look at the China arrangement, you will agree with me that China does not follow the "modern" economics. They use planned economy and have been heavily criticized by the west. Did the Chinese system fail them? No they have producing for the world! So anyone looking at a way to develop, would surely think China is a way to go! They have more state owned enterprises competing in the world than you would imagine. We have taken these as our brands for some reason without looking at them and their history. Look at these:

ZTE Corporation (Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment Corporation)

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)


Bharat Electronics Limited

So why do we fear nationalization  After all I think the mines will contribute more to the economy when all their owners are Zambians. Many countries have a way of dealing with State-owned enterprises, we can find a way that can work if we divorce politics from the running.

I know its wishful thinking, but it is worth every typed word. We should nationalize the mines - The benefits far, far out weigh the costs (I am a student Economist, I should know that!)

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